Hello everybody and thank you for dropping by. We hope you are enjoying the very best of 2022 and all the best to you and your family. In the 1950’s the United States had an aura of invincibility when it came to being in the lead of most cutting edge technologies – at the time.
The U.S. was also a leader in the philosophies of capitalism, direction and growth as an economic world power. And we did in fact accomplish many great things during the time between then and now. We’ve put a man on the moon, we created an atomic bomb, we created jets, and weapons that at the time were unheard of. Sonar, radar, and made things that were already in existence much better and easier to manufacture. Of course, this is mostly common knowledge and a great part of history.
Since then, the competition has only grown stronger and more fierce in the world. China is starting to rise and Russia is one of our biggest rivals on the world stage. Although the threat of mutual extinction via a Nuclear war is still a distinct possibility – most countries – very recently as a matter of fact , have stated publicly that any such war would have no winners, only mutual desctuction. And this is a great thing to hear – to be honest. Whew!!! The tension has been going up lately – in part (no doubt) due the current pandemic we find ourselves in. Nothing like this have ever happened in the history of the world.
And in the history of the world – we have also never experienced such an astounding level of growth in the technology sectors of every country in the world. Now this is the very point I wish to address today. In America many of the technologies that were created in this very country have found new homes and new methods in other countries. The past has been improved upon over and over. Slowly but surely it is beginning to look as though the U.S. may bend up playing second fiddle to any one of our rivals on the world stage currently. And the thing I believe the United States really needs to place emphasis on is our educational system and how it pertains to the further development of technological prowess necessary for us to maintain a competitive advantage on the world stage.
Robotics, Robotics, Robotics, and Artificial Intelligence and or Machine Learning is the way of the future not only for any given country but also and more importantly – the entirety of humanity. To say that this is not the case is to simply stick your head in the sand. Ingenuity and creativity are what drives invention. Critical thinking in the advent and use of technology is what needs to be enhanced in the United States. For everybody! I mean if you can add 1 + 1 you know that the result is 2 and that is all you need to understand that the more people involved in the future the more likely that we get there much faster than we would otherwise.
Put your children in a robotics class. Put your children in a programming/coding class. Do it. Their future and the future of the world depends on it (literally). Don’t hesitate. Take action.
The changes are happening right before your eyes. Robots are becoming more and more visible in our daily routines. Open your eyes. The robots have arrived and I really don’t think they are going anywhere any time soon. Adapt. Robots and Artificial Intelligence and or Machine Learning are tools in the same way a wrench or a hammer is a tool. Take note of it, learn it, use it and create with it. The possibilities are endless. Give your children and the world the great future it deserves. It’s not about having a good job in the future – so much as it is having a place in the future. The robots will do the menial jobs. So what jobs will our children have? Heed these words folks. This is a call to action for education on a national scale for all children to get involved or this country will fall behind in technology and creativity. Folks, put your child in front a computer and force them to learn code the same way you force them to learn how to read and write. It’s crucial.
Make sure your children focus on certain subjects in school that will add to their arsenal of tools for making a robot or a computer program becoming useful in the world and thus a success.
Math – this subject cannot be understated as anything to do with math will be crucial to your understanding of the underlying mechanisms that make technology work. Math is crucial to the process of understanding formulas, statistics, vectors, angles, matrices, tensors, magnetism, photons, quantum physics etc. – you name it – subjects like linear algebra, calculus, trigonometry are important facets of computing that really need to be understood on a fundamental level in order to put your knowledge to good and efficient use. The more you study – the better equipped you will be in the world to finding solutions that work in real world problems.
Science and Biology are also important especially if your child is showing signs that they may be interested in helping people that are ill or have diseases such as cancer or heart disease. Make the technology that is a part of your life don’t just consume it.
Thank you for listening
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